ChatGPT-4 and other artificial intelligence tools are arguably one of the biggest disruptions academics have faced in recent years, and classroom policies have yet to catch up with the technology. A survey of 954 higher education faculty randomly selected from nearly 500 colleges and universities found that a small percentage of instructors have developed ChatGPT guidelines.
According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, 18 percent of faculty under age 30 have developed guidelines, compared to only 6 percent of those over the age of 60. Professors in literature, communication, English, journalism and language departments are among those most likely to have policies.
Lance Eaton, director of digital pedagogy at College Unbound, has created a sampling of AI classroom policies and invited faculty to add their own.
You also can access ChatGPT resources on eLearning. Scroll down to your courses under “no term assigned” to find the CTL Faculty Resources for Teaching — Spring 2023.