The University of Texas at Dallas
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Faculty & SWGs

What is SWG?

The Short-term Working Group (SWG) program brings faculty and students together in a joyful, non-evaluative, collaborative learning environment outside of a traditional classroom. The Center for Teaching and Learning’s SWG Team handles administrative tasks and student recruitment so faculty can do what they enjoy most — working closely with a small group of students to complete a project.  

Faculty Testimonials

Read your colleagues’ thoughts on SWGs and consider whether you can see yourself as a SWG faculty member. 


“Creating a SWG was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to collaborate more closely with students who wanted to create something uniquely for the experience of it. It allowed us to work on a project outside the classroom context that brought many people joy.”  

— Dr. Christine Veras, Assistant Professor of Animation 

“Working alongside brilliant colleagues like Dr. Kathryn Lookadoo and engaging with them is such a source of joy. There’s something magical about coming together with individuals who share your passion and drive. And last week, I felt that magic. A huge shoutout to everyone involved in making the SWG program a reality. Here’s to finding joy in collaboration and to all the incredible achievements we will accomplish together!” 

— Dr. Sarah Moore, Associate Professor of Instruction, Business Communication 

“Nine students met at 8:30 a.m., four times — by choice — to find and discuss developmental research. They brought articles, ideas, questions and so much positive energy that we could never, not once, end on time. The tangible product was a high-quality reading list. Big win! The intangible product was joy in watching students engage to learn. Biggest win!!! 

— Dr. Meridith Grant, Associate Professor of Instruction, Psychology 

More Information

Planning a Proposal

Interested in putting together a SWG and want to hear more? SWG faculty showcased several projects at the All-Campus CTL Workshop on March 22, 2024.  

CTL will be hosting a SWG interest session for faculty interested in proposing projects for Fall 2025 on Friday, April 11th, from 11am-12:30pm in MC2.404. See key dates on the SWG calendar. Use our SWG Planner (pdf) to work out your ideas and fill your Fall 2025 application when you are ready. 

For Fall 2025 proposals, we make use of two deadlines. If you are interested in recruiting from your Spring 2025 classes, your proposal must be submitted no later than our “early decision” deadline: May 1. This allows faculty to recruit from not only their Spring 2025 students before the semester ends, but also their new students in Fall 2025 before their SWG begins. If you need more time to work on your SWG proposal, you can submit your proposal as late as our “regular decision” deadline: August 1. This will still enable faculty members to recruit from students during the Fall 2025 semester before their SWG begins.

Joining the SWG Faculty Community on Teams is a great way to stay in the loop about proposal deadlines and opportunities for faculty. 

The best SWG project is one that is beneficial for both the faculty member and students. This could include anything from a task you need to complete, a research-adjacent activity or identifying a skill you want to build in students. Interdependence is key! Once the project goal is decided it should be broken down into four manageable parts to make the goal achievable within four sessions.  

Project Examples 

  • Collaborating to redesign and curate course material. 
  • Creating inclusive materials for chess instructions. 
  • Evaluating the use of bioconcrete to identify important scientific experiments for course-based research and NASA spaceflight experiments applications. 
  • Designing and building promotional material to advertise a UT Dallas fall theatrical production.  
  • Researching and creating a summer student boot camp for bioengineering majors. 
  • Designing a civil rights-themed digital exhibit for the African American Museum of Dallas. 
  • Assessing the role of generative artificial intelligence in music composition, analysis and description. 
  • Planning events for a new University-wide Neurodiversity Week celebration. 
  • Building a giant dinosaur! 

Ideal SWG Faculty Mentor

SWG Faculty Mentors care about cultivating a relationship-rich learning environment, willing to turn up the dial on their approachability and warmth. To the SWG team, an ideal SWG faculty mentor: 

  • Projects warmth, friendliness and intellectual curiosity. 
  • Creates an inviting, welcoming presence with written and spoken communication. 
  • Models excitement and expertise about the project and the future application of its outcome. 
  • Expresses a sense of interdependence with the students. 
  • Shows willingness to provide guidance and feedback affirming student efforts and contributions while encouraging intellectual risk-taking. 
  • Commits to attending an orientation meeting, a mentor training and a faculty debrief lunch. 
  • Creates an achievable project for a SWG to complete. 
  • Follows the SWG checklist to select students and a meeting space, collects photo waivers, confirm rosters, distributes T-shirts, participates in a joyful faculty community. 
  • Cultivates a relationship-rich environment, taking the time to learn student names, show interest in student ideas, and be willing to write letters of recommendation for SWG finishers.  
  • Wants to get a project done! 

Key Dates

Faculty SWG Calendar Spring 2025 

Faculty SWG Interest Session Thursday, Nov. 7, 9 to 10:30 a.m. 
Faculty Proposals DueSunday, Dec. 1
Classes Begin (Full-Term Session) TuesdayJan. 21
Mentor Training Session Friday, Jan. 24 
Student Recruitment Begins Upon SWG Project Approval 
Student Applications Due 10 days before SWG Session 1 
Pre-SWG Checklist Items Due By SWG Session 1 
SWG Sessions Begin No earlier than Monday, Feb. 3 
SWG Sessions End No later than Friday, Apr. 25 
Final SWG Checklist Items Due 5 days after SWG Session 4 
Student Evaluation Closes 10 days after SWG Session 4 
Last Day of Classes (Full-Term Session)  Friday, May 9  
Faculty Evaluation Closes Friday, May 9 
Debrief Luncheon Friday, May 9