Teaching Resources
We have gathered a variety of resources for professors and TAs. Some of these may be interesting to students as well.
General Resources
- Instructor Lecturer Handbook – We’d like to draw special attention to this handbook. It can be a valuable resource for new teachers.
- Instructional Resources – A collection of tools and information sources for faculty members at The University of Texas at Dallas
- Start Talking: A Handbook for Engaging Difficult Dialogues in Higher Education (pdf) – Start Talking explores productive ways to engage difficult dialogues in classroom and other academic settings.
- Solve a Teaching Problem – Provides practical strategies to address teaching problems across the disciplines.
- Class Discussion: From Blank Stares To True Engagement – How to make students move beyond ‘civil attention’ into paying true attention during class discussion.
Accessibility in Higher Education
- Universal Design in Higher Education – Promising Practices (pdf)
- Universal Design of Instruction (UDI): Definition, Principles, Guidelines, and Examples (pdf)
- Disability and Language
- Equal Access: Universal Design of an Academic Department (pdf)
- Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction (pdf)
- AccessEngineering: Building Capacity to Increase the Participation of People with Disabilities in Engineering (pdf)
- Effective Communication: Faculty and Students with Disabilities (pdf)
- Applications of Universal Design in Education (pdf)
- When Faculty are Too Accommodating (.doc)
External Accessibility Resources
Teaching Tips
- The Cognitive Principles of Effective Teaching – This is a series of five brief videos on the cognitive basis of effective teaching. The purpose of the videos is to synthesize current research in cognitive psychology relevant to student learning and to present the information in a form that is helpful to teachers for improving the design, implementation and assessment of pedagogy.
- Preparing Students to Complete Course Evaluations (pdf) – This document was written by Dr. Elizabeth Carney of Washington State University’s Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning. You might find some of her ideas useful as you consider how to encourage your students to complete their online course ratings, and how to help them provide feedback that will be useful.
- When More Is Less – An Indiana University study suggests that when it comes to writing assignments and instruction, quality — not quantity — matters most.
- Seven Keys to Effective Feedback – Advice, evaluation, grades — none of these provides the descriptive information that students need to reach their goals. What is true feedback — and how can it improve learning?
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching – Many articles on effective college teaching provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence at Miami University.
- Learning as Soul-Making – Michael Wesch makes a case for understanding the purpose of teaching as “soul-making.” Teaching isn’t so much about the syllabus and course objectives as it is about the meaningful connections formed between teachers and students. These connections are the source of students’ sense of curiosity and wonder.
Help with Clickers
- Handout 1 – TP Cloud_Quick Start Guide for MAC (pdf)
- Handout 1 – TP Cloud_Quick Start Guide for PC (pdf)
- Handout 2 – Syncing your roster in TP Cloud (docx)
- Handout 3 – Suggested Wordings for the Syllabus (docx)
- Handout 4 – Instructor Guide to Integrating Polling Session with Blackboard (pdf)
- Handout 5 – Student Instructions for Account Creation (docx)
- Handout 6 – Student Guide – Responseware (pptx)
- Handout 7 – Student Guide – RFLCD Clicker (pdf)
Recommended Readings
How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens
Benedict Carey
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty
James M Lang
The Joy of Teaching : A Practical Guide for New College Instructors
Peter G Filene
Teaching Undergraduate Science: A Guide to Overcoming Obstacles to Student Learning
Linda C Hodges 1951-2015
How College Works
Daniel F Chambliss 1953-2014
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
Peter C Brown
Creating Self-regulated Learners
Linda B. Nelson
Specifications Grading
Linda B. Nilson
Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning
José Antonio Bowen
What the Best College Teachers Do
Ken Bain
The Little Orange Book : Short Lessons in Excellent Teaching
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers
American Federation of Teachers
Advice for New Faculty Members
Robert Boice
CTL eLearning Teaching Resources
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